Home » ADHD Assessments » ADHD Assessments in 5 Easy Steps

ADHD Assessments in 5 Easy Steps

Thorough and accurate ADHD Assessments are vital to getting your treatment right

Step One: Schedule an appointment.

Click “Request Appointment” and self-schedule a time from my calendar that is convenient for you

Step Two: Complete an electronic intake package.

You will receive several diagnostic assessment scales by email to complete prior to our initial appointment.

Step Three: Join me for a 60–90-minute virtual evaluation.

You will receive an email with a link prior to your appointment.

Step Four: Receive an email with your results.

You will receive an email within 2 weeks of your appointment with your results and treatment recommendations.

Step Five: Schedule a follow-up appointment (free of charge).

You will have a follow-up appointment to answer any questions, to discuss your results, and treatment recommendations. ADHD is hard, but with the right interventions in place success can be achieved in many areas of life.